Protecting the environment
- Fiche de cours
- Quiz et exercices
- Vidéos et podcasts
Découvrir un aspect de la notion « Innovation scientifique et responsabilité ».
- Les menaces qui pèsent sur notre
planète :
- Les espèces menacées ;
- Le réchauffement climatique.
- Les gestes à adopter au quotidien.
Réaliser l'importance et la fragilité de la Terre
The environment is something we are very familiar with. It's everything that surrounds us and makes it possible for us to live on our planet: the air we breathe, the water that covers most of the earth's surface, the plants and animals around us, the rivers, the mountains, the sun... The environment is vital and we must respect it if we want to live in the best possible conditions. But unfortunately, the environment is changing because man is changing it.
Our planet has been in danger for years now and it is high time we did something to save it! And it is getting worse every day.
When the first cars were made, or factories and electricity, people did not think they were polluting and that the problem would be difficult to solve for their grandchildren. But today we live in a world that is extremely polluted and the consequences may be dramatic for us if we do not take care soon. Temperatures in the world have risen by 1° in 100 years!
You have heard of the hole in the ozone layer,
haven’t you? And the rise of the sea level
because of the melting of the ice cap? The low
islands which could be underwater if we keep closing our
eyes on the issue of the environment.
What about the animals which die because their habitat
is threatened? I am thinking of the orangutans and
the development of oil palm plantations which is at the
expense of primary forests. The black rhino and the
Sumatran elephant are threatened, too.
Earth is such a beautiful planet! We must look after it
if we do not want to see it die or be forced to live on
another planet!
Of course, solutions have been envisaged but they are
sometimes so costly that people prefer continuing
polluting rather than change their habits.
Some countries, for examples Scandinavian countries, are
deeply involved in the environmental issues and
try to be as green as possible, but even if you live in a
country which does not care about them, you can do
something for the planet. If we all do something
individually, Earth could be a much nicer place to live,
so do not wait and take the right steps!
Have you heard of Earth Overshoot Day? It is, according to the NGO Global Footprint Network, the date when the inhabitants of our planet have consumed what Earth can regenerate in that year. And that day comes earlier and earlier every year. For example, in 2019 EOD was on July 29!
If you want to be an eco-citizen, we recommend you to
apply the 3 R’s: reduce, reuse and
recycle as it is very important to deal with our
Here are a few things you can do for the planet:
- sort your rubbish (different colored bins can help you find the right recipient);
- have a shower instead of a bath as it is important to save water;
- turn off the lights when you leave a room;
- unplug your appliances;
- walk or ride a bike instead of using a private or public vehicle (and it is very good for health);
- plant trees, fruit and vegetables;
- transform sunlight and wind into electricity thanks to solar panels or wind turbines;
- do not use plastic…
If you already go green, talk to your friends or neighbors about the situation, how serious it is and try to convince them to do something for the planet, too. Maybe tell your parents they should get rid of their old polluting car and envisage buying an electric one instead. It is not that simple because this type of vehicle is quite expensive and not everybody can afford them…
You see, there are so many things that can be done to
save our planet that everybody can feel concerned. Our
planet deserves a better treatment, doesn’t it? And
we must act for our children and our children’s
children. We must leave them a world in good shape, it
is our duty. The worst solution would be to stand
idle by and wait for the governments to find the
solution. Everyone has their own part to play!
Luckily, millions of people all over the world take part
in marches to protest against those who do not care about
our planet. Will that be enough?
Des quiz et exercices pour mieux assimiler sa leçon
La plateforme de soutien scolaire en ligne myMaxicours propose des quiz et exercices en accompagnement de chaque fiche de cours. Les exercices permettent de vérifier si la leçon est bien comprise ou s’il reste encore des notions à revoir.
Des exercices variés pour ne pas s’ennuyer
Les exercices se déclinent sous toutes leurs formes sur myMaxicours ! Selon la matière et la classe étudiées, retrouvez des dictées, des mots à relier ou encore des phrases à compléter, mais aussi des textes à trous et bien d’autres formats !
Dans les classes de primaire, l’accent est mis sur des exercices illustrés très ludiques pour motiver les plus jeunes.
Des quiz pour une évaluation en direct
Les quiz et exercices permettent d’avoir un retour immédiat sur la bonne compréhension du cours. Une fois toutes les réponses communiquées, le résultat s’affiche à l’écran et permet à l’élève de se situer immédiatement.
myMaxicours offre des solutions efficaces de révision grâce aux fiches de cours et aux exercices associés. L’élève se rassure pour le prochain examen en testant ses connaissances au préalable.
Des vidéos et des podcasts pour apprendre différemment
Certains élèves ont une mémoire visuelle quand d’autres ont plutôt une mémoire auditive. myMaxicours s’adapte à tous les enfants et adolescents pour leur proposer un apprentissage serein et efficace.
Découvrez de nombreuses vidéos et podcasts en complément des fiches de cours et des exercices pour une année scolaire au top !
Des podcasts pour les révisions
La plateforme de soutien scolaire en ligne myMaxicours propose des podcasts de révision pour toutes les classes à examen : troisième, première et terminale.
Les ados peuvent écouter les différents cours afin de mieux les mémoriser en préparation de leurs examens. Des fiches de cours de différentes matières sont disponibles en podcasts ainsi qu’une préparation au grand oral avec de nombreux conseils pratiques.
Des vidéos de cours pour comprendre en image
Des vidéos de cours illustrent les notions principales à retenir et complètent les fiches de cours. De quoi réviser sa prochaine évaluation ou son prochain examen en toute confiance !