Of Mice and Men (John Steinbeck)
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- Découvrir les thèmes principaux et les enjeux du roman.
- Découvrir un aspect de la notion « La confrontation à la différence ».
- John Steinbeck écrit Des souris et des hommes en 1937.
- Le roman se déroule durant la Grande Dépression, alors que le chômage et la pauvreté ont explosé aux États-Unis.
- Les personnages principaux, George et Lennie (une espèce de géant mentalement déficient) vont de ferme en ferme pour vendre leur force de travail.
- Les thèmes de la différence et de la solitude sont centraux dans le roman.
Of Mice and Men is a novel written by John
Steinbeck in 1937. The story is set in
California, USA, during the Great Depression which
occured after the Wall Street Crash of 1929,
and deals with two men, George Milton and Lennie
Small, who go from ranch to ranch seeking work.
This story encompasses different themes, we are going to
develop the most important in the following lines.
Though they are very different, the two men are very
close. Indeed, George is quite intelligent whereas
Lennie is mentally disabled, George is short compared
to Lennie who is a massive person.
As early as the beginning of the story, George tells
his friend Lennie about his dream, owning their own
farm instead of working for a boss. Their possession
will be a reward for the hard work they have produced
so far. It also represents freedom, as they will not
have to move around the country for work.
It is quite easy to understand that Lennie adheres immediately to George’s ideas. And he imagines himself tending rabbits though he always kills them when he touches them, as he does not know his strength.
On the farm they are working on, this dream is shared by Candy and Crooks. Candy, a handyman, fears that his boss could fire him soon as he is getting old. Consequently, he offers George his savings if he accepts to take him with them.
As far as he is concerned Crooks, a black man who feels isolated because of the colour of his skin, wants to leave the farm and follow Lennie whom he likes a lot.
Curley’s wife has a dream, too. She married Curley, the boss’ son, after her dream of becoming a movie star vanished in the air.
One day, while she is talking to Lennie who tells him how much he loves stroking animals, Curley’s wife lets him touches her hair. But again, Lennie hurts the woman, who begins to scream when she feels his strength. Panicking, Lennie unintentionally breaks her neck as he asks her to stop crying.
This episode marks the end of the dream for George and Lennie, as they have to leave the camp before the other workers find them and avenge Curley’s wife. But George, who knows what is going to happen, kills his friend by shooting him.
The nearest town where George and Lennie arrive at the beginning of the novel is called Soledad (“solitude” in Spanish). This name is very important as we understand that loneliness is going to occupy a major part of the story. Indeed, most characters feel lonely. Only George and Lennie who spend most of their time together are not isolated, which makes them suspicious, especially from the boss’ point of view.
Candy and Crooks are isolated from the rest of the
workers because they are different. Candy is older and
Crooks is black.
Curley’s wife is also treated differently as she is
the only woman of the novel.
It is their differences which make these characters
lonely and we can add that George and Lennie would be
lonely too if they had never met. As a matter of fact, at
the end of the story George is alone after Lennie’s
This book is of course worth reading as he explains to the reader how difficult life was during the Great Depression. It also shows that being different leads to solitude. The dramatic end shows that even hope and friendship can’t help to solve problems. One more reason to read this story: John Steinbeck was awarded the Nobel Prize in literature in 1962.
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