Dorothea Lange's photographs on the Great Depression
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- Approfondir ses connaissances sur l'œuvre d'une photographe engagée : Dorothea Lange
- Dorothea Lange est une artiste américaine
du 20me siècle. Son travail
était centré sur ce que l'on appelle la
photographie sociale :
- pauvreté rurale
- camps de migrants
- sans-abris
- Ses œuvres sont principalement associées à la période de la Grande Dépression, qui a précarisé des milliers de travailleurs, d'agriculteurs.
- Ses photographies ont permis au gouvernement de prendre conscience de la catastrophe que subissait le pays et ont participé à changer les politiques sociales et agricoles.
Dorothea Lange (1895-1965) was an American photographer whose best-known works were realized during the Great Depression. Yet, her career had begun years before when she moved from New Jersey to San Francisco at the age of 23. Her work was based upon social documentary photography and she used her photographs to influence politics and encourage social change.
The Great Depression of the 1930s was a terrible period where thousands of workers became unemployed and the farming sector was not spared by the situation. It is worth noting that because of the Dust Bowl, more than 100 million acres of land where more than 65,000 farm families lived were no longer suitable for crops.
When the crisis burst out, Lange was operating a
portrait studio for wealthy families
in California but she soon abandoned her cozy
cocoon because she felt that her skills could be used
differently and more efficiently.
Urged by ethical, political and social reasons,
she decided to spend her time taking photos about the
crisis. Now she would tell the stories of the subjects
captured by her camera. One of her most famous
photographs, White Angel Breadline shows
people waiting in queues in the streets of
San Francisco for food.
Nonetheless she was not sure about the validity of her action because she knew she was invading the privacy of these hungry and homeless people. But no one seemed to care and they let her take photographs.
In 1935 the Farm Security Administration was
created to fight poverty. They hired photographers
whose work was to document the government on
struggling farmers, and Lange became one of them.
Her works depicted suffering families and harsh working
conditions. They were considered as a political
tool and explained the disastrous effects of the
Depression. As a consequence they helped change the
agricultural policies of the time because people
became aware of the disaster which was spreading all
over the country.
Dorothea Lange’s goal was now to motivate changes
and improvements in the policy of the government and
she continued taking moving photographs but she adopted
a new technique: by focusing on one
individual and by showing their difficulties, the
public would understand the problem as a whole.
She was then assisted by her husband, Berkeley Professor Paul Taylor who denounced the crisis in his writings, but as words were not enough he asked his wife to complete his work by photographing the situation. They both worked on rural poverty for five years with the hope that things would improve. Their action was not vain because as they were providing large information about a migrant camp where the famous photograph Migrant Mother was taken, the government took pity on the unfortunate homeless and they sent provisions to prevent starvation.
In her way Dorothea Lange was an activist who used her skills to help the poor at a time when the situation in America was disastrous. She died at the age of seventy and as a reward for her remarkable works she was inducted into the National Women’s Hall of Fame in 2003 and into the California Hall of Fame in 2008. Her photographs can be seen at the Oakland Museum of California Art Department.
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